Tulsa Performing Arts Center patrons who enjoyed the most familiar film production in 1986 – starring Rick Moranis (Seymore), Ellen Greene (Audrey), Steve Martin (Orin Scrivello) and Levi Stubbs (voice of Audrey II) – are immediately reacquainted with the sympathetic, hated and beautiful characters who “sang” from skid row to a life of dreams realized.

Graceson Todd fully embraces the role of Seymore, evolving the character from an unassuming admirer of Audrey to a man of song and proper suitor. James Burkhalter III, 16, understudy, will take on the role during the Oct. 29, 2 p.m. performance.
Majeste Pearson’s Audrey dominates the stage, from wing-to-wing, perfectly effecting the nuances of speech in period, and a voice in song that dramatically rises well above TPAC’s John H. Williams’ theatre ceiling.
In Nash McQuarters’ Orin Scrivello no corners of the character’s ill intentions and behavior are hidden. Audiences gain a clear understanding of his place in “Little Shop of Horrors,” a man lacking every possible admirable character, and given to committing significant acts of violence. McQuarters demonstrates, with every appearance, that he and Scrivello are one, and no distinction shall be revealed.
Queen Jamia Newsome, Alexandria Moore and Elara Ford comprise the skid row chorus of three, each in their own right a songstress, together a complex harmony that guides the audience through each scene.

In “The Little Shop of Horrors” Ukabam and Kopp accomplished more than building a cast and crew of short-lived purpose, he assembled and nurtured a family of creatives who understand the significance of their roles and craft.
TPAC certainly benefits from the accomplished performances throughout the remaining week of October, given the audience’s minutes-long applause and open praise well after “Little Shop of Horrors’” final act.
Theatre Tulsa’s next collective, and their performance, will be eagerly anticipated, and certainly offer the best of a diverse cast and talent amongst Tulsans.
‘Little Shop of Horrors’
When: Runs through Sunday, Oct. 30
Where: John H. Williams Theatre , Tulsa Performing Arts Center
Tickets: Available at tulsapac.com or by calling 918-596-7111
Cast: Graceson Todd, Majeste Pearson, James Burkhalter III, Joseph Wright, Nash McQuarters, Justin Daniels, Jamia Newsome, Alexandria Moore, Elara Ford, Joseph Wright, Terrell Crawford, Josh Yap
Directors: Jarrod Kopp and Obum Ukabam
Music director: Brian Jones
Choreographer: Amber Green
Company: Theatre Tulsa