The Oklahoma Eagle Newswire
RFQ Shortlist:
- Be Good Development Partners
- E Smith Legacy, Rose Rock, and Pivot Project
- Twenty20 Management (Tulsa Group)
Following the November 23 announcement to extend the deadline for submission for the Evans-Fintube redevelopment project, City and Tulsa and Authority for Economic Opportunity (TAEO) staff, along with project consultant HR&A Advisors, are continuing to review proposals in coordination with the Evans-Fintube Steering Committee to determine project next steps and a revised timeline.
An initial proposal review was conducted with the Steering Committee on December 2, which was followed by team interviews with staff and HR&A on December 6 and 7. Staff and HR&A conducted a second review of proposals with the Steering Committee on December 16 and are preparing for interviews with all three teams next week.
These interviews will provide further opportunity for staff and the Steering Committee to understand key elements of initial proposals, with the goal of determining which proposals will advance to an extended deadline, which would be followed by the rescheduled third community meeting.
“Throughout this process, our priority has been to ensure we advance multiple qualified developers who are able to deliver a transformational project and meet the stated goals for this project,” TAEO Executive Director Kian Kamas said. “The size and complexity of the Evans-Fintube site and our commitment to upholding community goals necessitates a change in our initial anticipated timeline, but we remain excited at the opportunity to facilitate development in coordination with private developers. As we advance through our extended review process with the steering committee, we will provide additional updates to those partners, stakeholders, and community members who have engaged with us to date.”
Current proposal reviews focus on evaluating submission of all proposal requirements, alignment with stated community goals, and project feasibility based on submitted financial documentation and proposed program of development.
For more information on the Evans-Fintube project, visit www.cityoftulsa.org/EvansFintube.