By Pastor Anthony Scott
“But in all these things we win a sweeping victory through the one who loved us.”
Romans 8:37 (CEB)
Upon first glance, some are asking, is this even possible? Can someone really turn a failure into an achievement? If so, what makes the difference between those who are able to accomplish this feat and others who are incapable? In a nutshell, the thing you are wondering is why do some accomplish so much with their lives while the rest remain mired in low achievement and mediocrity?
Many have assumed that it’s family background but many high achievers have come from broken homes. Then it must be wealth that serves as a determining factor in accomplishment. Yet history has shown that poverty is no guarantee of low achievement and wealth is no guarantee of high achievement. If none of these, then it certainly must be opportunity right? Unfortunately, the peculiar thing about opportunity is two people with similar gifts, talents, and resources can look at a similar situation. One will see opportunity and the other will see nothing.
We can even venture further to analyze those of high moral character. But as much as we wish it were that simple, we can quickly find those of high character who have not amounted to much and those of questionable character who for one reason or another have fared quite well. Even the absence of hardship doesn’t make the list because for every successful person who has avoided tragedy, there is a Wilma Rudolph who overcame early childhood illnesses and poverty before winning three Olympic Gold Medals.
The difference between average people and achieving people amounts to their perception of and response to failure. Reverend Philip Harrelson says, “It is not what a person keeps but rather what they give away that makes them great. It is not what a person possesses but rather what possesses the person.”
In our verse for today, we see that what constitutes victory for a Christian is the permanence of Christ’s love through all series and manner of circumstances. The love of Christ grants you and me freedom from discouragement. A Christian also has his or her victory enhanced by the love of Christ. We are not just overcomers, we are more than overcomers. Ultimately, we can rest in the confidence of knowing the love of Christ secures our victory as well.
World War II historians have written that once the Allies landed on the continent of Europe, the war was over. This to some has been a puzzling statement. How can you say the war was over before it even started? There is no question, say the historians, that the firepower, manpower, and military intelligence of the Allies were more than Adolph Hitler could handle. It was just a matter of going through the process of what was bound to happen. As children of God, we have Savior who has already won our victory. Your life then is a series or a process of becoming what God has destined!