By Fred L. Jones, Jr.
Eagle Staff Writer
Kassidy Coleman is 11 years old and attends Union 6th & 7th Grade Center. Kassidy is a very good student with great grades and loves school. Her mother, Thean Parker, has a definite reason to be upset with the Union 6th and 7th Grade Center. Parker stated, “Monday, my daughter came home and advised me that another student brought a small baggy to school with a white powdery substance in it and was passing it back and forth between kids, including my child.
The baggy was eventually given to a teacher who then gave it to the principal, who then called the police and had the substance checked, it tested positive for cocaine.
The school failed to notify Parker about this incident when it happened on Monday. Parker stated, “I received a call from Principal Tamra Bird Tuesday evening at 5:30 p.m. and she advised that my child is suspended for three days and will have 41 days in in-house detention. I was thrown back by this because I am wondering how is my child going to be punished because another student brought a controlled-substance to school and exposed other children to this dangerous drug.”
Neither Kassidy or the other children involved even knew what was in their possession but are being punished as if they are adults. Parker then stated, “I advised Mrs. Bird that I would not be accepting this form of punishment for an innocent 11-year-old child. I advised her that I would be coming to the school to discuss this matter. I received a call from Mrs. Bird this evening (Wednesday) advising me that my child could not come back to school tomorrow and due to her suspension being less than 10 days I could not appeal this decision.
Parker, with a very disappointed spirit said, “I am so upset about the fate of these innocent kids that I could scream. Union School is trying to punish small minority children unfairly and I will not stand for it. I was told by Mrs. Bird that possession of a controlled substance is going to be placed in my child’s permanent school file.”
The United States of America is living in a very dissalusional state of existence and precise decisions are a must. Especially when it comes to our future, which is our children. If a student is merely returning to class from lunch and another student’s illegally transported possessions fall on the floor are they responsible for them also? Why are innocent children being included in this punishment?
Parker did allow The Oklahoma Eagle to speak to Kassidy. She said, “I was coming back from lunch on Monday when I noticed that three other students beside me were passing a baggie back and forth to each other, one of the students tossed the baggie to me and I caught it. Then the baggie was then taken away from me by my teacher Mrs. Bell. Mrs. Bell turned the baggie in to the office and the principal and assistant principal. Mrs. Bird and Mrs. Witcher told me that they called the police to the school and that they tested the substance in the bag and it tested positive for cocaine. They then placed me in in-house suspension for the rest of the day. I am upset because I don’t feel like I should be punished for this. I was unaware of what was in the bag and had I known it was drugs I would have given it to a teacher right away.”
The Union School District has a very strict drug policy when it comes to students, which is to be respected. We attempted to contact the Union 6th & 7th Grade Center but did not receive a return phone call before press time.