By: Zak Patterson
TULSA – The city is seeking public input after announcing finalists in the design of a new pedestrian bridge on the Arkansas River.
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The original pedestrian bridge could not be salvaged due to structural deficiencies, the city said. The city received 234 design ideas for the new bridge from across the country.
Citizens can click here to see the finalists. The deadline for public comment is April 28.
Mayor G.T. Bynum also released a video about the bridge finalists. Watch below:
“This process has been such a strong reminder of the passion and creative talent we have in our community,” Mayor G.T. Bynum said. “The Selection Committee had a really challenging job in narrowing the field to these four finalists. There were so many outstanding ideas, but the Committee had to consider not just appearance and use, but also the construction budget we have to work with. I’m thankful for everyone who submitted a design to us, and who took the time to dream about what our city can become.”
The budget in the design of the new bridge is $24.5 million. The winning design will be announced on May 1.
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