Comedian Bill Cosby was imprisoned after having been found guilty of sexual assault and admittedly drugging his victims. A judge ruled the 83-year-old actor did not receive a fair trial and released him. The decision was not connected to whether a crime was committed and that has many in the #MeToo movement angry.
In an exclusive interview with the National Newspaper Publishers Association, Cosby told the Black Press organization we could assist in the legal battle to help identify the many falsely accused African Americans who don’t have the prominence or the financial means to fight their cases.
“This is an opportunity that the Black Press,” he said. “The writers. The men and the women have now an opportunity with great intelligence, with great foresight, with great after sight, not just about Mr. Cosby, it is about what you saw. It is about what you know, and you must tell it, and you must be believed, and you have to put it in a way a level of intelligence.”
Needless to say, his reputation is in tatters, his fortune devastated, and he has spent time in prison. Whatever you may think of him he has suffered. History is not likely to be kind either. The Oklahoma Eagle hopes that all affected can heal and move on after this small amount of complicated justice.