Pastor Anthony L. Scott
“Offense wins games, Defense wins championships” is a quote popularly attributed to legendary Alabama football coach Bear Bryant. However, the phrase is derived from a high school coach by the name of Dave Thorson who originally said, “Offense sells tickets, Defense wins championships”. With all due respect to Coaches Bryant and Thorson, we have seen in recent years a reset on all levels of football. From college to professional the emphasis is now on offense. Offensive aggressiveness and play calling are the rule of the day. We have made the pivot to offense and tickets.
The term OFFensive used in relation to prayer was coined by biographer, essayist, and blogger Michele Ule who is best known for her book, Mrs. Oswald Chambers: The woman behind the world’s best-selling devotional. By OFFensive, she means acting in a positive direction toward a goal.
For Christians, this mind reset about prayer equates to a shift from reactionary prayer to preventive prayer. A mind shift from maintenance prayer to visionary prayer. There are things we need to pray For and not just Against. Prayer not only involves standing your ground but taking new ground.
OFFensive Praying is to pray both effectively and fervently according to James 5:16. OFFensive praying means to prevail and advance as found in Matthew 16:18. OFFensive praying is one of the most important weapons in our spiritual arsenal as written in Ephesians 6:18.
While the model prayer has become routine and an ornament for many, it is really an OFFensive prayer play called by Jesus. “Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread.” These are things we are told to ask for not just pray against. An investment in offensive along with defensive prayer is the dynamic that yields advance and victory.
Somewhat frustrated with His disciples, Jesus said in Luke 21:36, “watch you therefore, and pray always, that you may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man.” And, in Luke 22:46, he said to them, “why sleep you, rise and pray, lest you enter into temptation.”
Like in the game of football, real battles are won in the trenches. Winning teams are built on an offensive line that advances more than it yields to penetration. So, as you evaluate your prayer life, are you an offensive or defensive strategist? I encourage you to make the shift to an OFFensive Mind Reset. Pray effectively, fervently, and offensively and see what God will do on your behalf.