Dr. Jerry Goodwin
The Alpha Chi Omega chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Incorporated is sponsoring a run/walk at Lacy Park, 2134 N. Madison Pl., on Oct. 26. Photo Provided
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. The Alpha Chi Omega chapter of Alpha Kappy Alpha Sorority Incorporated is hosting a run/walk, “Color Run/Walk,” at Lacy Park, 2134 N. Madison Pl., on Oct. 26, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Organizers for the event said it will be a fun-filled day that the entire family can enjoy. Facepainting, coloring sheets and crayons, and goodie bags will be some of the fun activities to be offered. Snow cones, popcorn, and cotton candy will be served for the family. A 360-degree photo booth will be available to capture one’s attendance at the event.
According to the U. S. Food and Drug Administration, one in eight women will get breast cancer during their lifetime. Each year, more than 40,000 women die from breast cancer. The goal during the month is to increase awareness of the disease and stress the importance of mammograms as the best tool to screen for breast cancer, the second most common type of cancer among women.
Proceeds from the run/walk will be donated to Soulful Survivors, Inc.
For more information, contact (918) 729-2616 or sororvanessa@gmail.com or visit Alpha Chi Omega Chapter Breast Cancer Awareness Color Run on Eventbrite.