Dr. Jerry Goodwin
Featured Image. Excell La Fayette Jr. is a former Fortune 500 executive, business consultant, author, motivational speaker, and life coach. Photo Provided
Excell La Fayette Jr., a former Fortune 500 management executive and business consultant, has been selected to participate with the Next Generation Leadership Institute. The institute is sponsored by the National Conservation Foundation in Washington, D. C.
The year-long program prepares future leaders to create greater awareness of the conservation challenges in a changing world. According to NCF, NGLI was established as an institution that provides conservation professionals with the tools to become national leaders through personal, civic, and organizational leadership development.
La Fayette, a board member of the Creek County Conservation District in Bristow, will join six other individuals who will meet for training sessions during the year and a capstone program in Salt Lake City, Utah. The cohort participants were selected through a competitive national application process.
“It is an honor to be selected to this year’s Next Generation Leadership Institute,” said La Fayette, a graduate of Langston University.
The first meeting of the selectees will be at the 2024 Annual Meeting of the National Association of Conservation District in San Diego, Calif. They will attend sessions on the following topics: generational intelligence, emotional intelligence quotient, personal leadership styles, diversity, and conflict.
“The NGLI program is rooted in advancing the leadership skills and professional development of the next generation of conservation leaders,” said NCF Chair Brent Van Dyke. “I look forward to watching this new group of cohort members continue to grow throughout this leadership program. I’m confident they will use these valuable lessons to advance their professional careers and the future of the conservation movement.”
For more information on NGLI, see www.nationalconservationfoundation.org.