Dr. Jerry Goodwin
Featured Image. Tanya Blades (c) is congratulated as the 2023-2024 Teacher of the Year for Glenpool Middle School by (l-r) Assistant Principal Ginnie Ishmael and Principal Blaine Wise. Photo Provided
Tanya Blades was recognized as the 2023-2024 Teacher of the Year for Glenpool Middle School at a faculty meeting earlier this month.
She was recognized as being representative of the school’s motto of “Gratitude, Model, and Support” for its students and their families in addition to her service to the school.
Blades has spent 26 years as an educator. She began her career at Greeley Elementary, where she taught for seven years. While at Greeley, she served as assistant coach of the Girls Varsity Basketball team and assistant coach for track at Booker T. Washington High School.
After Greeley and BTW, she continued her teaching duties at Glenpool Public Schools. Serving for 17 years there, she began initially as an English Language Arts teacher at the district’s middle school. For the last eight years, Blades has been a teacher in health and nutrition courses and drives an afternoon bus route.
At Glenpool, in addition to teaching, she is currently head track coach for Girls Middle School and assistant track coach for the Girls High School, and is former head basketball coach for the high school.
“I put a lot of work in (what I do for my students). I love my job. I love working with kids,” said Blades.
Not to be confined to the classroom and the athletic field, she has supported her students in developing a video, “Walk, Bike, Or Roll to School Day,” addressing crosswalk safety and the upgrading and installing of sidewalks and flashing lights for her students to safely come and leave from school. Additionally, she hosts an annual health fair with the students on the topics of exercise and healthy eating.
“The district is growing so fast…,” said Blades. The school district has been challenged with keeping up with the student population, where there is a greater demand for sidewalk installation, maintenance, and upkeep so the students can walk to and from school safely.
With her recognition, Blades is eligible for District Teacher of the Year. The district-wide teacher award will be selected from the elementary, middle school, and high school teachers of the year. The winner will be announced in April.
She is a graduate of Northeastern State University (Tahlequah) and Sapulpa High School. Blades has a master’s degree in health and human performance and a bachelor’s degree in elementary education from NSU. After completing her collegiate career as a basketball player, she was a graduate basketball assistant coach at NSU.