The Oklahoma Eagle Newswire
Starting in the 2021-2022 school year, students at Memorial High School and McLain High School can earn a college degree free of charge from Tulsa Community College while in high school through the early college high school program.Students in this program can get a head start on college with extra tutoring, monthly events with classmates, study sessions, access to college facilities, and more. By the time these students finish high school, they will earn their high school diploma and an associate’s degree!
All current 8th grade students at Tulsa Public Schools are eligible to apply! There are two steps to apply for this program, and applications are due by Friday, Feb. 12.
Step 1: enroll your child in early college high school:
- Visit enroll.tulsaschools.org to log-in to SmartChoice to choose up to six schools for your child’s 2021-2022 enrollment;
- Select either “McLain Early College High School” or “Memorial Early College High Schools” as your first choice;
- You can include BOTH programs in your six school choices and also select up to four other schools.
Step 2: complete the early college high school application:
- After you complete the enrollment process, you will receive an email with a link to a special Tulsa Community College application for early college high school students.
- If you need help with this special application, please contact
- Dr. Michelle Brown (brownmi4@tulsaschools.orgE-Mail brownmi4@tulsaschools.org) at Memorial High School; or
- Dr. Elfreda Austin (austiel@tulsaschools.orgE-Mail austiel@tulsaschools.org) at McLain High School
If you want to learn more about the program and meet the school leaders at McLain and Memorial, you can attend one of our upcoming live information sessions.