The Oklahoma Eagle Endorses Biden/Harris For President and Vice President
President Donald J. Trump and Vice-President Mike Pence should not be re-elected to the nation’s highest office because of the dismal job of leading this country. The Trump administration was given the keys to a red-hot economy and wars winding down under President Barack Obama. In the first hours of the Obama administration he had to save the financial market from collapsing. The national debt sat at $1.4 trillion and he went on to reduce that mark by two-thirds landing at $450 billion. Under Trump debt sky-rocketed to $3.13 trillion. That is an unheard-of deficit with much of that an unneeded transfer of wealth to the richest Americans. That insanity cannot stand, and it is time to bring the mature leadership of former Vice-President Joe Biden and Senator Kamala Harris to the White House.
We mention these numbers because it is easy to forget what a mess Trump has created when the world gets so caught up with his outrageous racism and unhinged fits of anger at anyone who disagrees with him. There is not room on these pages to list all the ways Trump has been disrespectful to black Americans. His greatest boast is that he created the best unemployment numbers during this presidency. It was clearly the work of Obama and under Trump those numbers have disappeared thanks to Covid-19.
More than anything, there are plenty of reasons not just vote against Trump but to vote for Biden and Harris. They will rein-in runaway spending, repair our tarnished role in world affairs and bring a sense of normalcy this nation clearly needs. He will also institute common sense solutions to healthcare, the economy, trade, and the environment. And if victorious, Biden and Harris will create history.
Senator Kamala Harris will be the first black female to serve as vice-president. Harris has not ascended to this height based on her color but on the content of her character. Their election will return this great nation back from its fallen level. The Oklahoma Eagle in the strongest terms possible urges everyone to vote for Biden and Harris.
Abby Broyles For United States Senate
Besides being a fine candidate, this endorsement also announces its time for Jim Inhofe to retire after years of representing Oklahoma. He no longer is the man to guide and represent Oklahoma in Washington D.C. Now is the time for a young leader like Abby Broyles with an understanding of the current needs to do the job. This is a new day, and it is time to move in a new direction.
She favors expanding healthcare for Oklahomans because we are underserved. Inhofe enjoys the best healthcare and he has looked the other way while fellow Oklahomans struggle to purchase health insurance. On these issues and others Inhofe is sorely out of step.
Inhofe has been a thorn in national efforts to save the environment. From his powerful position he is a ready vote for big business and corporate interests. America’s forests are burning and storms are destroying the coasts. Today fires still rage and global warming storms are heading to already hard hit gulf coasts. Defeating Inhofe will help save the planet.
Please vote for Abby Broyles to be the next United States Senator representing Oklahoma because she understands our state in ways Inhofe simply fails to do. The Oklahoma Eagle strongly recommends you vote for Abby Broyles.
County Commissioner District 2 Karen Keith
One of Oklahoma’s finest public servants, Karen Keith needs to return to her seat with Tulsa County Commissioners. She is often a lone voice of reason during difficult times and her strong but mild manner is a welcome strength during these challenging times.
Retain All Judges
All the judges old and new are doing a good job on the court of criminal appeals and Supreme Court. The Oklahoma Eagle urges voters to vote yes to retain them and allow them to continue their good work.
Yes, On State Question 805
As Oklahoma inches closer to a society that no longer incarcerates the most per capita in the world of their own it starts with so common-sense solutions. One of those solutions is State Question 805 that simply removes the state’s ability that allows the courts to stack past nonviolent offenses to create extreme sentences for small offenses. Accordingly, there are nonviolent offenders in prisons for decades. It is cruel, does not bring down crime, creates undue hardship on communities and the state cannot afford to imprison so many.
Unfortunately, the last vestiges of proponents of cruel punishment are advancing campaigns to distort the true mission of the state question. They are lying about the effects of the bill. It will not release hundreds of violent prisoners into peaceful Oklahoma communities. Records show the present system is used to send people of color for minor offenses for long sentences in disproportionate numbers.
The Oklahoma Eagle strongly encourages our readers to vote yes on this common-sense constitutional amendment.
Yes, On State Question 814
With money tight and the added cost of Medicaid expansion Oklahoma could use some extra help in paying critical bills. This constitutional amendment will allow the state to reduce the amount of tobacco settlement funds into an endowment used for smoking cessation and health programs.
Under this question instead of 75 percent going into the endowment, it would go help pay for Medicaid expansion. Of course, that means many Oklahomans will receive critical healthcare. Twenty-five percent would still be used for education about stopping smoking. The state will not have to cut state programs to pay for the added cost of Medicaid. The Oklahoma Eagle urges voters to vote yes on this State question.
Know Your Rights On Election Day
If the polls close and you are still in line, stay in line, you have a right to vote. If you make a mistake on your ballot, you have the right to ask for a new one. If the voting machines are down, you have the right to ask for a paper ballot.
It is a crime for any unauthorized person to remain within 50 feet of a ballot box while an election is still open. Trump has wrongly called on his followers to act as poll watchers and because that is all the information they have, they will no doubt intimidate legitimate voters. Have any problem, call the election hotline at 1-866-687-8683.or the Oklahoma election board at 405-521-2391.