The Oklahoma Eagle Newswire
Greetings, my name is Trisha W. White and my sincere hope, during these difficult times, is this writing finds you in the best of health and Spirits. I am a Licensed Professional Counselor-Supervisor for Metamorphosis Counseling Services, PLLC, and a Licensed Alcohol & Drug Counselor and ADSAC Assessor/Facilitator for A Positive Direction, Inc. I am a representative of many who so graciously gives of themselves to assist people suffering, sometimes silently in pain.
During the following months, my colleagues and I will be answering questions presented by current and future clients regarding mental health and substance abuse matters. We would also like to answer any questions regarding these issues that you may have as well. Thank you for your time; we look forward to our upcoming dialogue.
Trisha W. White is a graduate of Tulsa Junior College, Langston University, and Northeastern State University. She can be reached at Metamorphosis Counseling Services, PLLC (MCS) (Facebook or 918-932-8390) and A Positive Direction, Inc. (APDI) (Facebook or 918-313-5928) 205 E. Pine St., Ste. #5A & #5B, Tulsa, OK. Her email information is apdi0994@att.net or metamorphosiscs@att.net. Both agencies are looking for licensed therapists and MCS is looking for therapists needing supervision hours. Please use the previously mentioned contacts for additional information.