The Oklahoma Eagle Newswire
The Greg Robinson for Tulsa Mayor campaign held a powerful virtual rally last night with former congressman and 2020 presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke. The rally, originally scheduled to last 30 minutes, was extended to an entire hour. By the end, more than 3,000 people had tuned in to watch. An additional 3,000 people have viewed the event since it concluded yesterday evening.
Congressman O’Rourke recently endorsed Greg’s campaign for mayor and called his vision for the city “unparalleled”.
“I am badly in need of hope and cause for optimism. There is so much to despair about if we let ourselves… but you find someone like Greg, who can do anything – and that he chose to pursue public service. A tough road to begin with, made tougher when you’re not plugged in to the traditional networks of power and privilege, and yet made all the more necessary by all the stuff we’ve talked about today. That’s inspiring stuff for me and it gives me reason for hope,” Congressman O’Rourke said during the rally.
O’Rourke, who has been working diligently to support candidates in his home state went on to say “I wouldn’t leave Texas, even virtually, in this pivotal year but for someone like Greg Robinson. If that guy has the courage to do the necessary job in this moment, who am I to let him do it by himself?”
The event, which was free and open to the public, can be viewed in full here: https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?v=592416914808564&ref=watch_permalink.
This week, Greg also received the endorsement of Jaime Harris, the U.S. Senate Candidate running to defeat Lindsay Graham in South Carolina. Harris said in a statement of support “When true leaders see tough odds, they take them on. I’ve done it my whole career and I see that leadership in Greg Robinson. I’m proud to endorse Greg to be Tulsa’s next mayor. He is the proactive, compassionate leader Tulsa needs.”
As the campaign enters the final few days before the election, the local, statewide and national excitement around a collective vision of a city led by the people in service to all people is clearly resonating with voters across all lines of difference. Greg will continue working to earn the vote of all Tulsans by being the candidate with true, proactive plans for reform, by putting action behind his words and by deeply listening to everyone who calls our city home.