The Oklahoma Eagle Newswire
On behalf of Walt Whitman Neighborhood Association and other North Tulsa residents we are writing to express our concerns and oppositions to the establishment of a medical marijuana dispensary at the north east corner of East 36th Street North and North Lansing Place.
We do not believe that a CBD/Medical Marijuana Dispensary at that site is in the best interest of families in this area. The corridor of 36th Street North is within the Walt Whitman Neighborhood Association area, that has several churches, nearby schools, early childhood facilities, the Tulsa Technology Center, and is located very near a planned school site, Crossover Prepatory School. This area already has heavy vehicular traffic along a street that is crossed by a lot of children daily/year-round. We are very concerned that this location will create an unsafe environment for children and some of our area residents. There already exist several dispensaries near this area.
We realize that CBD\Medical Marijuana has medicinal benefits for some people. Our opposition does not prevent families in the area from accessing other convenient sites in the community to purchase CBD oil or medical marijuana that can be beneficial to their health.
On behalf of families we are asking that the District 1, Councilor Vanessa Hall-Harper to do your job, you represent us and deny the zoning amendment recommendation change from 0L (Office Low) to CS (Commercial Shopping) for case #Z-7543.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Machere L. Scott at 918-409-2767.