The 27-year-old father was killed by police in Atlanta on Friday night.
Law enforcement officials and experts alike were hailing the quick response to this weekend’s police killing of an unarmed Black man in Atlanta, including the firing of the officer. But while credentialed individuals qualified to make informed commentary on the societal scourge that is police killing Black people chimed in, Candace Owens tried her damndest to counter their professional opinions by turning up her anti-Black commentary on full blast.
Rayshard Brooks was shot in the back as he fled two white police officers following a failed sobriety test after officers found him sleeping in a fast-food drive-thru on Friday night. The 27-year-old father was frisked, found to be unarmed and compliant up until officers tried to place him in handcuffs for a situation that didn’t require them. That’s when Brooks overpowered both trained officers and bolted away from them while carrying one of the cops’ Tasers. As Brooks ran away in the Wendy’s parking lot, Atlanta Police Officer Garrett Rolfe took aim and shot the fatal bullets into Brooks’ back — even though it had been determined that he was not armed with anything more than a nonlethal Taser as he ran farther away from the cops.
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