The Oklahoma Eagle Newswire
While continuing to respond to the current public health crisis, Tulsa Health Department officials have made additional modifications to public health services to prevent community spread of the COVID-19 virus and improving staff efficiency while ensuring continuity of operations for essential services.
Effective March 26, Collinsville Health Center (CVHC) and Sand Springs Health Center (SSHC) will temporarily close. Clinic staff will transfer existing appointments to the James O. Goodwin Health Center, Central Regional Health Center or North Regional Health and Wellness Center. Employees working at these locations will be redeployed to other clinic sites.
Clinic Services
THD will temporarily suspend adult health screenings including Take Charge. THD will continue to provide the following clinic services at the James Goodwin Health Center, Central Regional Health Center and the North Regional Health and Wellness Center: Tuberculosis screening and treatment, STD testing and treatment, Family Planning, Childhood Immunizations and Overseas Immunizations. Clients needing birth control can call 918-582-9355 to get their prescriptions refilled.
THD encourages all Tulsa County residents to stay informed with information from credible resources such as THD, the Oklahoma State Department of Health (OSDH) and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Call the Tulsa Health Department at 918-582-WELL (9355) during regular business hours or the Oklahoma COVID-19 Hotline at 877-215-8336 which is available 24/7. Spanish-speaking interpreters available.