The Oklahoma Eagle Newswire
On January 15 th and 16 th 20 men from Tulsa Public Schools went through a 2 day training for CHAMPS Male Mentorship training at Wilson Teaching and Learning Academy.
CHAMPS is a program based out of Chicago, Illinois which stands for Culturally Helping and Making Positive Success. CHAMPS offers a culturally sensitive approach to developing the mindsets of African American and Latinx young men. It is the goal of CHAMPS that through culturally relevant conversations and interactions that young men are able to develop the skills and habits necessary to navigate life in a positive and productive way. CHAMPS focuses on the 3 E’s: Education, Empowerment and Exposure. They enroll young men ages 12 and up.
CHAMPS has a social – emotional learning-based curriculum. The training will take the men through an in-depth training about mentorship and accurately using the CHAMPS SEL curriculum. SEL is the process through which CHAMPS MENTORS AND MENTEES acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals , feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships and make responsible decisions .
The motto for CHAMPS is “BORN 2 WIN IN EVERY SITUATION IN LIFE. CHAMPS will be piloted at 5 schools this semester and will expand to other campuses next school year.