The Oklahoma Eagle Newswire
On Saturday, December 20, 1969, Joey Hobart Crutcher and Leanna Faye Johnson both said “I Do.” Joey and Leanna were childhood sweethearts, and both had a passion for music which is what attracted them to one another.
To this union 5 children were born (Joey, Lamont, Terence, Tiffany, and Darayle) and 10 grandchildren. Joey and Leanna are both graduates of Booker T. Washington High School and Langston University. Their decades of service through music, ministry, and spiritual counseling has been an inspiration to the entire City of Tulsa and beyond. When you see Joey, you will always see his better whole, Leanna.
This couple is the true epitome of “In sickness and in health, for richer or for poor, better or worse, till death do us part.” 50 years later Joey and Leanna Crutcher-STILL DO!!