The Oklahoma Eagle Newswire

The John Hope Franklin Center for Reconciliation (JHF Center) celebrates its 10th anniversary of the Dinner of Reconciliation on November 21, 2019. With the continuing theme from the 2019 national symposium, “Civic Engagement and Reconciliation: The Survival of Democracy”, the event will focus on the influence those who are civically engaged have on their community. The Honorable Kathy Taylor and Bill Lobeck will serve as Honorary Dinner Chairs.
The JHF Center is pleased to have the distinguished Imam Omar Suleiman, Founder and President of the Yaqeen Institute for Islamic Research and a professor of Islamic studies at Southern Methodist University, as the keynote speaker. Imam Omar Suleiman is a world-renowned scholar and theologically driven activist for human rights. He is a resident scholar of the Valley Ranch Islamic Center and Co-Chair Emeritus of Faith Forward Dallas at Thanks-Giving Square, a multi-faith coalition of clergy for peace and justice. “Imam Suleiman’s commitment to and advocacy for restorative justice and social harmony embodies the mission of the JHF Center to promote reconciliation and trust among individuals of diverse communities through scholarly work that combines theory and practice to generate constructive community engagement,” said Reuben Gant, Executive Director of the JHF Center.
Civic engagement and reconciliation, the focal point for the JHF Center’s 2019 programs and discussions, unites everyone as change agents, researchers of effective practices, and peacemakers in the intentional journey of reconciliation. “For the past 10 years, the Center has been able to bring nearly 600 guests of all cultures from across Tulsa and surrounding communities to foster interaction between individuals of diverse backgrounds, and to encourage positive relationship building through the annual Dinner of Reconciliation,” says Mr. Gant.
Members of the Press will have an opportunity to interview Imam Omar Suleiman at 5:45 pm in the Greenwood Cultural Center Goodwin/Chappelle Gallery. Dinner Sponsors will have an opportunity to meet Imam Suleiman at a private reception beginning at 6:00 pm in the Gallery.
The general reception will begin at 6:30 pm and the Dinner and Program begins promptly at 7:00 pm. The cost of the dinner is $25 for Adults and $15 for Youth ages 5-17.
For more information about the 10th anniversary Dinner of Reconciliation, or to register, visit www.jhfcenter.org/dinner-registration or call 918-295-5009.