The Oklahoma Eagle Newswire
The Black Women Business Owners of Tulsa (BWBO Tulsa) is hosting the Women’s Business Expo on Saturday, August 10 from 11:30am – 6:00pm at the Doubletree Hotel Downtown Tulsa. The Women’s Business Expo is a one-day business expo highlighting black women business owners throughout northeastern Oklahoma and provides economic opportunities for these business owners. The goal of the Women’s Business Expo is to connect, educate and promote black women business owners.
This year’s expo will feature 15 speakers, 20 exhibitors, free headshots, a back to school backpack giveaway, an opening ceremony and 10 business workshops. BWBO Tulsa is also pleased to announce this year’s honorary chair and program speaker is Rose Washington, CEO of the Tulsa Economic Development Corporation.

Other speakers include opening ceremony keynote and workshop panelist Oklahoma Secretary of Commerce & Workforce, Sean Kouplen; Deputy Director of the Oklahoma District of the U.S. Small Business Administration, John Veal; and Chief of Economic Development, Kian Kamas to name a few. Workshops and panels include Small Business & Entrepreneurship Growth, Understanding the Tax Codes, Health & Wellness for Entrepreneurs and Funding Your Business.
“As black women entrepreneurs, we are so excited to be able to serve our community in this way,” stated Co-founder, Charity Marcus. “As the fastest growing group of entrepreneurs in the nation (and Oklahoma), it is important to engage and support this demographic as it is key to increasing the local economy.”
The Expo’s Opening Session begins on Saturday, August 10th at 11:30am at the Doubletree Hotel in downtown Tulsa, and will feature BWBO Tulsa Co-founders, Charity Marcus & Aszurdee Sade, WBE Honorary Chair, Rose Washington, and Oklahoma Secretary of Commerce, Sean Kouplen. Workshops and panels will run all day from 12-6pm. The expo is free and open to the public. For complete event details, visit www.bwbotulsa.com/wbe.