The Oklahoma Eagle Newswire
The comment session to receive feedback from citizens on the topic of minority and gender underrepresentation in the police department and current practices to improve recruitment and retention of minority officers is scheduled for this Wednesday, August 7, at 5 p.m. during the regularly scheduled Council meeting at City Hall, 175 E. 2 nd St. This is the third of four select topics from the City of Tulsa’s 2018 and 2019 Equality Indicator reports that will be discussed in a special meeting.
Citizens wishing to speak on the third topic should complete a Request to Speak card in-person August 7, prior to the agenda item being read. Council staff will begin accepting Request to Speak cards at 4 p.m. on August 7 in the Council Chamber on the second floor of City Hall. Council rules will be adjusted for this item to allow for more individuals to provide public input. Each speaker will have up to three minutes to address the Council, with a maximum of one hour dedicated to receive comments.
Councilors will then incorporate citizen feedback from the comment session into its panel discussions during the special meeting on Wednesday, August 14, in the Liddy Doenges Theatre at the Tulsa Performing Arts Center, 110 E. 2 nd St. This special meeting will take place at 5:30 p.m., after the conclusion of an abbreviated, regularly scheduled Council meeting at 5 p.m. in City Hall.
In March, Councilors voted to take citizen comments and suggested questions on the equality indicator topics one week in advance of each special meeting. The Council will host a special meeting on the remaining equality indicator topic, racial and gender disparities in police arrests of adults, in September.
Citizens can also contact their Councilor directly on any matter by phone or email. Councilor contact information can be found on the Council website, tulsacouncil.org, or by calling 918-596-1990.