For just the second time, an Oklahoman is serving as president of Young Democrats of America.
Joshua Harris-Till was elected president of the Young Democrats of America, the arm of the Democratic Party supporting politicos aged 13 to 35, at their latest convention.
Harris-Till, the first black man elected president of YDA, said he’d like to see the Democratic Party provide more support to potential candidates and youths who want to get involved in campaigns.
“So, I think one of the biggest issues was as a state president, I didn’t feel like we necessarily had all the resources that we needed to be successful. And so, I plan on building those resources,” Harris-Till said.
Harris-Till was a staffer for state Rep. Mickey Dollens and for former Congressman Dan Boren. He ran for the Second District seat twice himself but said he isn’t looking for a blue takeover.
“My biggest and most aspirational goal is to get a 50-50 split in the legislature so we can start having representative government again,” Harris-Till said. “Politics is the art of compromise, and when you have all the power, you don’t really have to compromise.”
Harris-Till said it’s important for young people to be involved in politics, and the Young Democrats are there to help.
“We want to be a resource. We want to help everybody. Doesn’t matter if you completely align your politics with the Democratic Party. We just want you involved in the process,” Harris-Till said.
Harris-Till said he also hopes to help the Democratic Party connect with rural voters, who overwhelmingly voted Republican in 2016.