As many Americans agonize over the election of Donald J. Trump as president-elect and have taken to the streets to protest his election, David Banner has a different take on him being elected. The outspoken rapper and activist says, “This may be the best thing to ever happen to Black people.” Not being elated about Trump being president, Banner made his comments as kind of a wake-up call to the Black community. The activist feels that Black people have gotten too relaxed about race relations and the struggle the Black community still faces because they got complacent with President Obama in the White House for eight years.
While he acknowledges that the Black community might be taken back by his words initially, Banner wants people to take the time and reflect on what he is saying. Banner took to Facebook Live early Wednesday morning after it was made clear that Donald Trump was indeed going to be the new American president. He feels the election of Donald Trump means that the Black community now has to really become more involved in politics on a local and state level, and not just react to presidential elections. Banner felt that if Hillary Clinton had been elected, the Black community would’ve fallen into an even deeper sense of complacency with the way the government system works.
David Banner reiterated his desire to fight for his Black community by stating, “I love y’all with all my heart. I honestly think this is going to be one of the best times in history because we are about to change shit. At least I am, I don’t know what the fuck y’all going to do.” Throughout his video, Banner kept emphasizing that Black communities need to do more to build themselves and stop relying so much on the government.