Just two weeks after its release, Michelle Obama’s memoir Becoming is the best-selling book of the year.
After just being released on November 13, the former first lady’s memoir has sold more than 2 million copies in all formats in North America in its first 15 days, according to a statement released Friday by Penguin Random House. Now in its sixth printing, the book has 3.4 million copies in print in the United States and Canada.
In the U.S. and Canada, Becoming is already in its sixth printing, with 3.4 million copies in print. But the book’s success is not limited to the United States. Becoming is also the No. 1 seller in the U.K., Germany, France, Italy, Holland, Spain, Denmark, Norway, Finland, and Greece and is being published in 31 languages.
It’s definitely a testament to the popularity and interest in one of the most intriguing and graceful first ladies of our time.
The book has become a mainstay on a number of lists, remaining at No. 1 on two New York Times bestseller lists, as well as topping bestseller lists from USA Today and Publishers Weekly.
It’s also on Amazon.com’s list of #1 Most Read books.

(Photo credit: Instagram)
So how does it compare to other political, presidential or First Lady books?
Former first lady Hillary Clinton’s memoir Living History took one month to sell 1 million copies. And even the books of former presidents have not performed as well as Becoming.
Former President George W. Bush’s Decision Points took several weeks to sell 2 million, while former President Bill Clinton’s My Life hit the 1 million mark quickly, but then took much longer to sell 2 million copies.
According to one Seattle Times writer, Becoming best highlights are when Mrs. Obama writes openly, “talking of her struggles with infertility, her initial reluctance to support her husband’s run for the presidency (she finally agreed, ‘because I loved him and had faith in what he could do,’ but secretly felt certain that, as a black man, he couldn’t be elected), and of the weight of…