By Pastor Anthony L. Scott
“Answer me quickly, Lord; my spirit fails.” (Psalm 143:7a, NIV)
Regarding prayer, Pastor H. B. Charles has aptly noted, “Prayer expresses our submission to and dependence upon God. The things you pray about are the things you trust God to handle.” When you and I approach God in prayer, we are looking for answers. By faith, we both believe that God will hear and answer our prayers. The answers we seek to the questions of life can be found only in the God who hears.
An answer is a reply to a question to resolve a problem. In our Psalm for this week, David was looking for some answers that only God could provide. What were the answers for which David was waiting anxiously? They are the same answers we ask and want a response to today.

First, when we pray to God, we want to see God’s face. No doubt David had learned the priestly benediction early in life, which declares that God’s grace will shine upon His people in gracious blessing (Numbers 6:22-27), but if He is not pleased, He will hide His face from us. When we experience the shining of His face it means that we are walking in the light of His countenance and are enjoying the smile of God on our lives.
Secondly, when we pray to God, we have a desire to hear God’s voice. His voice gives us strength, comfort, and security while waiting for the manifestation of His promise. Hearing the voice or response of God moved David from darkness to the morning and the dawning of a new day. When God speaks, He reminds us of His unfailing love and subsequently our faith is strengthened for the trial. E. M. Bounds aptly stated, “Prayer honors God, acknowledges His being, exalts His power, adores His providence, and secures His aid.”
Third, we want to feel the protection of God. The Lord was David’s rock and refuge. He knew from experience that if he drew near to God in a predicament that he would be preserved and protected from his enemies.
Lastly, we want to receive knowledge of the will of God. Knowing the will of God for our lives will reveal the path we should take. Having a knowledge of God’s will grants confidence in the difficulties of life and keeps us going when the going gets tough. Warren Wiersbe says, “it is good to remind ourselves that the will of God comes from the heart of God and that we need not be afraid.”
When you pray this week, remember: the love of God that wants the best for us, the wisdom of God that knows what is best for us, and the power of God that can accomplish it.