Eagle Newswire
Students and parents are invited to Rogers to complete the transfer request for 2019
Parents of students who wish to attend Will Rogers College Junior or Senior High school must complete their online application by December 21, 2018. This includes any current 8th grade Rogers’ Junior High students wanting to attend Rogers High School. Experienced Rogers’ faculty and staff look forward to helping parents and students with this process. To help students choose Rogers and help parents navigate the application process, Rogers offers both Shadow Days and Enrollment Assistance – Open Lab nights.
Students interested in shadowing a 7th grade or 9th grade Rogers student may sign up online for a Wednesday morning visit (8:30 to 11:30 a.m.) on November 7, November 14, November 28, or December 5. Each shadowing student will meet the school counselor and follow a student host’s schedule.
Any parent can attend Enrollment Assistance-Open Lab in the beautiful Rogers’ library from 4 to 7 p.m. on Thursday evenings: November 8, November 15, November 29, and December 6. Staff members and volunteers will assist parents with the application process. For those who speak Spanish, or need assistance with using a computer to complete the transfer process, assistance will be available. Parents should bring photo identification and proof of residency. Assistance will also be provided to those parents do not have a working e-mail address.
Capping off the recruitment season, Rogers will host an Open House on December 12 from 6-7:30. Will Rogers College Junior and Senior High School has no attendance boundaries. Any Tulsa City resident may attend school at Rogers if they complete an application and are accepted. The application deadline for the 2019-2020 school year is 12/21/18.