The Oklahoma Eagle Newswire
Gathering Place is now open and is celebrating with 100 days of world-class entertainment at Tulsa’s newest wow-factor.
We will be attempting to break a world record for the World’s Largest Electric Slide with Marcia Griffiths who wrote and performs the original song!
Take a trip to the tropics without leaving Tulsa at Reggae Legends, happening this Friday, September 14! Enjoy traditional Reggae music from Tony Rebel & Marcia Griffiths as we celebrate Jamaican culture throughout the Park.
Three Reggae Legends will be performing on the QuikTrip Great Lawn at the times below:
6:00 p.m. Imeru Tafari
6:40 p.m. Marcia Griffiths
8:00 p.m. Tony Rebel
All events are free and open to the public. No ticket required!
Come explore the Park and then find your spot on the QuikTrip Great Lawn for a night of music you don’t want to miss! Plan your visit at gatheringplace.org.