The Oklahoma Eagle Newswire
By B. L. Eikner, Guest Contributor
100 Black Men of Tulsa Hosts Annual Golf Classic
The 100 Black Men of America, Inc. Tulsa Chapter hosted its second Annual Marvin Blades Golf Classic on Saturday, July 14, 2018 at the Bailey Ranch Golf Course in Owasso, Oklahoma. The annual Classic is named in honor of Marvin Blades, past 100 BMOT president, former Tulsa Police Officer and community activist. The purpose of the Golf Classic is to fund programs and scholarships for the young men who are active participants in the 100 BMOT Programs.

This years’ Golf Classic consisted of over 15 teams, over thirty volunteers and youth participants from the community. The first-place winning team consisted of Thomas McMahan, Tom Riddle, David Thompson and Don Thompson with a team prize of $1000. The 2018 Marvin Blades Golf Classic Sponsors are: Black Economic Expo Foundation, Clarence Thomas, Elite Etchings, Fully Promoted, James Stuart, Jessica Tate Law Firm, Jiffy Lube, Tropical Smoothie, Tulsa Public Schools, Tulsa Teachers Credit Union, Northside Tag Agency, Osage Casino and Pillar Group. Golf Classic Chairpersons are David Harris and Keith Miller.

The 2018 Officers of the 100 Black Men of Tulsa are: President-Eddie Evans, Vice President-David Harris, Health & Wellness Coordinator-James Stuart, Project Director-Keith Miller, Mentoring Program Coordinators-Larry Harris and Buddy Tate and Treasurer Dwayne Barnett.

The Vision of 100 Black Men of America, Inc. seeks to serve as a beacon of leadership by utilizing our diverse talents to create environments where our children are motivated to achieve, and to empower our people to become self-sufficient shareholders in the economic and social fabric of the communities we serve. Contact 918-954-3690 or www.100blackmentulsa.org for additional information.