Fibroids are benign muscular tumors that grow in the wall of the uterus. They can be as small as seeds or as big as grapefruits causing a person to look six to seven months pregnant. They can grow as a single tumor or multiple tumors. Not all women have symptoms of fibroids; however, those who do have symptoms experience heavy menstrual bleeding, pressure on the bladder, rectal pressure, and pain in the abdomen, lower back, and pelvis.
Although little is know about the cause of fibroids and what causes them to shrink and grow, researchers think that many factors such as hormonal and genetics play a role. According to the National Institutes of Health other factors that increase the risk of fibroids are obesity, high blood pressure, low levels of vitamin D, older than forty years of age, reproductive issues, and being African American. African American women are three times more likely to have fibroids than any other women in the United States. African American women are also more likely to have multiple fibroids, larger fibroids, and experience more severe symptoms.
Treatment Options
There are many treatment options in which you can discuss with your physician to see what treatment is right for you. Treatments depend on factors like; if you plan on becoming pregnant in the future, the size of your fibroids, the location of the fibroids, your age, and how close you are to having menopause. As with any treatment programs, it is important to know your options and ask your doctor as many questions as possible, so you are making the right decision for your body and future.
If you experience mild symptoms your doctor can prescribe your typical pain medication. Taking birth control can control heavy bleeding, and a drug called Lupron can shrink your fibroids.
If you experience moderate to severe symptoms there are