The Oklahoma Eagle Newswire
The City of Tulsa has been looking at an overall parking meter plan for years in downtown Tulsa as most of the current parking meters are considerably outdated, inoperable or ineligible for repair and replacement.
Mayor G.T. Bynum has committed to increase efficiency throughout the parking system by incorporating a mobile app and plans to phase out all outdated meters within the year. Mayor Bynum also signed an executive order to ensure all funding that comes into the parking system, goes back into the parking system.
Within the next year, all on-street meters downtown should be replaced with new parking pay stations that match the Tulsa Arts District pay stations and the new pay-by-plate system.
“Our goal is to have a parking system that is accessible and convenient for all users,” Bynum said. “As downtown Tulsa continues to grow and thrive, it is time we have a centralized on-street parking system that can be maintained properly and utilized by businesses, patrons and visitors.”
Until all older meters are replaced with new pay stations, patrons paying by coins at parking meters (single space and multi-space meters) will continue to utilize the “pay by space” method, which requires the user to enter a parking space number that is located on the street in front of the parking space.
Tulsa on-street metered parking is set at two hours for $1 per hour and parking hours are Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. Violations such as parking illegally in a disabled parking space, blocking fire lanes, parking in front of hydrants, illegal alley blocking, etc. are enforceable 24/7.
To download the ParkMobile app or for more information about downtown Tulsa on-street parking, visit: www.parktulsa.com