By Pastor Anthony L. Scott
The only way to inherit eternal life is through Jesus Christ. This reality is the most important experience that can take place in anyone’s life. There are however, other benefits to eternal life that many believers forfeit. While Christ sacrificially gave His life to secure our eternal destiny, He also promises regular encounters with His goodness in this life. The Psalmist knew this to be the case when in the midst of his despair he received this illuminating promise from the Lord in Psalm 27:13, “I would have given up, had I not believed I would see the goodness of God in the land of living. “
Far too many of God’s children are living beneath their privilege. For life to be abundant, it must have abundant resources, and the only unlimited source of life is Christ. So in order to possess this fuller life, we must abide in Him. Erwin Lutzer once noted, “Dynamic abundant living is God’s norm for all believers, not just a few.” Enjoying spiritual life in depth amounts to not being satisfied with less than God’s best.
In John 10:10, Jesus reveals the door to abundant living. The abundant life is a yielded life. It’s one thing for you to have life in Christ, but quite another for Christ to live His life through you. We are either living the abundant life or living a defeated life in direct correlation to our willingness to yield. The abundant life is also a service life. When we yield our lives to Christ, which is our reasonable act of service, He in turns shares His will for our life. Abundant living is separated living. While we live in the world we are not to reflect the world’s way of living. Our calling is to be the light of the world and the salt of the earth.
It is not God’s will for you and I to have a lifeless and miserable existence that squashes human potential. His will is for you and I to have a rich, full, joyful life. One that overflows with meaningful activities under the personal favor and blessing of God.
The American Dream is to pursue what is called “the good life”. For those who can’t attain this idea of the good life, media and entertainment encourages them to live vicariously through the lives of those who have. The prosperity gospel has baptized the American Dream with Christian labels as a so called spiritual alternative to the same pursuit.
Jesus is very clear that He is the only door to both life and the abundant life. All others claiming to be doors or avenues to the favor and blessing of God are deceptive. As the only door, He provides salvation, safety, and sustenance for any who will enter through Him.
The once popular game show Let’s Make a Deal, has been recreated with a new host to reach a new audience but the show’s concept remains the same. Game show contestants are given the opportunity to choose between prizes that are visible and prizes that are concealed. Most choose the gifts they can see and forfeit often to their remorse, gifts they cannot see. Faith in God and trusting the door that Jesus opens allows us to gain the greater benefits we cannot see. What we need He provides. Living Life in All Its Fullness amounts to placing one’s trust in our only dependable resource and that resource is God.