May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and this year, we at the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention are focusing our attention on having a #RealConvo about mental health. We’ve learned through a recent Harris Poll that 89 percent of people believe that mental health is just as important as physical health. Despite this, many people don’t know how to have a conversation about it.
“How do I talk to someone I’m concerned about?”
“How do I reach out to someone if I’m not doing well, myself?
“How do I guide the conversation with young people?”
Below, you’ll find videos, tips, and other resources that will help you become confident when discussing this vital topic, and approach mental health proactively like the real and important aspect of health that it is.
Mental Health for Yourself and Those in Your Community
Watch & Learn: Video tips on mental health
Resources for you and your community

Have an Honest Conversation
Always trust your instinct if you’re worried about someone. Find out how to have a direct, productive conversation to let others know you care.

Mental Health Social Sharables
Educate your community to help stop suicide with these informative social sharables.

Some Thoughts about the Netflix Series 13 Reasons Why
Some Thoughts about the Netflix Series 13 Reasons Why concisely lists the factors to be aware of when watching or discussing the popular show that deals with suicide.

Voices of Hope
Voices of Hope is AFSP’s series of videos featuring those who have struggled with suicide: unscripted interviews with people speaking from their own personal experience.

Talk Saves LivesTM: An Introduction to Suicide Prevention
A community-based presentation that covers the general scope of suicide, the research on prevention, and what people can do to fight suicide.

Risk Factors and Warning Signs
There’s no single cause for suicide. Learn the signs and you could save a life.