The Oklahoma Eagle Newswire
Family Promise of Tulsa County is an interfaith nonprofit organization that provides shelter, meals, and support to homeless children and their families.Our vision is a county in which every family has a home, a livelihood, and a chance to build a better future.
After a 5-month intensive search, Family Promise of Tulsa County is pleased to announce the selection of Ms. Kendra Morgan as its first Executive Director. Family Promise of Tulsa County selected Ms. Morgan after an extensive national search led by Rev. Jeff Jaynes, Personnel Committee Chair, and a team of Board Members.
Ms Kendra Morgan Kendra Morgan joins Family Promise of Tulsa County after 15 years of executive level nonprofit experience. Ms. Morgan is a Sigma Beta Delta member of the International Honor Society for Business Management and Administration, as well as a Diversity Scholar for her work with the Hmong community. She most recently served on the Nonprofit Association of Oregon board of directors, where she helped shape the Diversity and Equity lens for the organization and nonprofit sector. As a Public Policy Committee member, she was instrumental in blocking harmful bills that could have imposed taxes on Oregon nonprofits.
The hallmark of her success is understanding the importance of collaboration and working to form strategic alliances between the public, private, and nonprofit sectors.After 11 years in the Pacific Northwest, Ms. Morgan is excited to return to Oklahoma to be near family and give back by sharing the wealth of knowledge and experience gained through her nonprofit adventures.
Kendra Morgan will start her role as Executive Director on April 23, 2018
Visit the Family Promise of Tulsa County website at www.familypromisetulsa.org
To read Kendra Morgan’s biography in its entirety visit www.familypromisetulsa.org/administrative-staff