By Eagle Newswire
Douglas Collins, a 32-year army combat veteran and retired Master Sergeant, announced his candidacy for Tulsa County Commissioner District 1 the same day Smilago announced his decision to step down. Douglas plans to address issues concerning fiscal responsibility, economic development opportunities, and the county’s immigration issue with the 287(g) memorandum of agreement with the Department of Homeland Security.
Douglas’ knowledge, skills, and attributes as a senior contract specialist in the U.S. Army makes him the perfect candidate for Tulsa’s County Commissioner. He has achieved the U.S. government’s highest level of contracting, Level 3 Certification. With this certification he has solicited, evaluated, awarded, and managed government contracts valuing from $30,000 to over $1,000,000, in the United States and Afghanistan. Douglas has extensive experience with managing and evaluating personnel, equipment, and budget management.
Douglas was born and raised in Tulsa, Oklahoma and is the youngest son of Wilbert and Joan Collins. He is a graduate of Tulsa Edison class of 1985. He was baptized at the historical Mt. Zion Baptist Church and currently serves on the Senior Usher Board and is a trustee of the church. He has volunteered with the San Antonio food bank and Habitat for Humanity. He also was a member of Leadership Tulsa but was unable to complete due to deploying to Iraq. He graduated from Langston University in Langston, Okla., with a bachelor’s in business administration with a concentration in Finance.
Douglas has served in the Army Reserves and active duty in Germany, Korea, and deployed to Kuwait, Iraq, and Afghanistan and wants to serve Tulsa County. For more information or to contact Doug Collins email doug@collinsforcommissioner.com or visit www.collinsforcommissioner.com