The Oklahoma Eagle Newswire
Zoan Temple #100 and Zoan Court #61 Auxiliary to the Ancient Egyptian Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic Shrine of North and South America and its Jurisdiction, Inc. hosted a successful Gala Day on it’s 55th Anniversary Celebration weekend.
The three day event was held from March 9th thru the 11th 2018 at the Hyatt Regency Downtown Tulsa Hotel. The celebrated Noble Jimmie Thomas, Imperial Deputy of the Desert of Oklahoma and Daughter Karon M. Allen, Imperial Deputy for the Desert were the Honorees. Several local Tulsans were recipients of recognition for services rendered to the Tulsa community. The two events that highlighted this conference were the 55th Gala Day Celebration of Achievement Luncheon under the supervision of Dir. Mozelle Lewis. This outstanding program was witnessed by four courts and five Temples that comprise Oklahoma delegates. Local Tulsans participated in the Memorial Services held on Friday as the opening service on the agenda. Daughter Liza Cato, Chairperson, Mozelle Lewis, Musician, Tulsans Cathy Colbert, Rev. Scott Gordon as the speaker electrified all attendees as the spirit of the Lord visited the service.
Recognized for their community services were Tulsa Councilman Vanessa Hall Harper and Rev. Scott Gordon, Pastor of Calvary Baptist Church. Both were well received by some 200 delegates. Also appearing as an entertainment attraction was the newly formed group of middle and high school students called Tru-Mime. They electrified the audience with the mime account of “The Call of the Church”. A scholarship stipend was presented to the group for their outstanding efforts. Other awards were presented by Imperial Deputy Karon Allen who serves as Deputy for the Dessert of Oklahoma and Noble Jimmie Thomas – Imperial Deputy of the Desert of Oklahoma. It was a pleasure to have Deputy Imperial Commandress Daughter Jaqueline B. Arrandondo who attends the conference each year and informs of Imperial procedures she oversees.
Pastor Scott Gordon Photo Credit Facebook
Locally, Illustrious Commandress, Jonetter White is the Zoan Court #61 officer and Illustrious Potentate, Noble Chris Lester is Zoan Temple #100 officer. Both were superb with the awesome responsibilities they had to oversee. Noble Paul Webb was the appointed Past Deputy for the Dessert of Oklahoma and superbly administered the entire conference with much appreciation.
Zoan Temple and Zoan Court 55th Gala Celebration event coordinators (l-r) Liza Cato and Mozelle Lewis. (Photo courtesy of ZC Media)
The Zoan Court #61 was declared and awarded by Deputy Allen as the Most Outstanding Court for 2018 coupled with the Most Outstanding Daughter of the Year for services rendered was Past Commandress, Mozelle Lewis who received a marble engraved plaque. The community of Tulsa was recognized by both Court and Temple acknowledging, “I’m a Promise” an in house school-church program for youth at Antioch Baptist Church, the Tulsa Chapter of NAACP were presented to proper sources with large monetary gifts.
The closing activity was the dinner dance and ball. The Zoan Temple and Court are to be commended for the outstanding cooperation given to the Tulsa community. The Annual Commandress Ball is scheduled for April 14th. More events are forthcoming. For further information contact Commandress Jodi White or Potentate Chris Lester.