The Oklahoma Eagle Newswire
If you’re concerned about the next Governor for Oklahoma, mark your calendar for the upcoming event. This is information you need to know.
Six candidates vying for your vote to be the next governor of Oklahoma have been invited to share their platform and address issues of your concern at the Northside Gubernatorial Candidates Forum in Tulsa, March 6, 2018. Invited candidates include Connie Johnson (D), Drew Edmondson (D), Gary Jones (R), Gary Richardson (R), Chris Powell (L) and Rex Lawhorn (L).
The Northside Forum is scheduled to be held at the Praise Center Family church, Tuesday, March 6, 2018, from 6 pm- 8 pm. Praise Center Family Church, under the leadership of Rev. Stephen Wiley , is located at 608 E. Apache, in Tulsa.
Sponsoring organizations include: Oklahoma City and Tulsa NAACP, Concerned Clergy for Spiritual Renewal, Dr. Martin L. King Jr. Commemoration Society, Georgia Brown Democratic Women, the Oklahoma City Black Chamber of Commerce, Greenwood Chamber of Commerce, the Great Oklahoma City Urban League, the National Assn. of Black Veterans (NABVETS), the National Assn. of Blacks in Criminal Justice (NABCJ), THE Young Democrats of Oklahoma (YDOK) . Ending Violence Everywhere (EVE), SHADES of Oklahoma magazine and Visage Productions, Inc.