The Oklahoma Eagle Newswire
On Monday, Feb. 26, 2018, Oklahoma State Rep. Regina Goodwin presented her House Bill (HB) 3391 to the Transportation Committee. The bill passed out of committee 6-5, early in the legislative process.
Rep. Goodwin is fighting for good faith efforts and for more Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBDs) to get work. “More qualified minorities should be included on jobs,” stated Rep. Goodwin. When violations of federal regulations occur, the bill seeks the suspension of contracts for corrective actions.
The Oklahoma Department of Transportation was awarded an approximate $100 million federal highway contract, the largest in State history.
Rep. Goodwin says, “Months ago we fought and added $2 million back to the DBE participation goal, resulting in $9 million total and we still believe violations occurred. We filed a complaint leading to a federal investigation of the Oklahoma Dept. of Transportation. The findings of the Federal Highway Administration are due within weeks.
There are approximately 400 DBEs in Oklahoma. DBEs are for-profit small business concerns where socially and economically disadvantaged individuals own at least a 51 percent interest and control management and daily business operations. The following general guidelines taken from the applicable regulation (49 C.F.R. Part 26), is inclusive of women, Black Americans, Hispanic Americans, Native Americans, Asian-Pacific Americans, Sub-Continent Asian-Pacific Americans or other minorities found to be disadvantaged.
As a member of the Appropriations and Budget Transportation Committee, Rep. Goodwin says, “the road to improvement is before us.”