The Oklahoma Eagle Newswire
On February 27, 2018 The Langston University Department of Rehabilitation Counseling in partnership with The Community Service Council and The Institute for Developing Communities will host the first in a series of workshops designed to assist those living with diabetes and the subsequent disabilities that impact citizens suffering from chronic illnesses. This first symposium will be hosted at Langston University Tulsa, located at 914 N. Greenwood Avenue from 10am-3pm. This event will feature breakout sessions, a panel discussion and a keynote speaker that will address the issues that are specific to those suffering from diabetes. Lunch will be provided, RSVP is required.
African Americans and Native Americans suffer from diabetes and the subsequent disabilities associated with long term consequences that pose concerns with adverse conditions, management, which diagnosis of diabetes is of disproportionate rates as compared to other ethnic groups. This event will seek to provide participants with strategies for chronic disease self-management and provide an educational component for students entering the various allied health professions. CEU’s will be offered to LPC/ Mental Health Counseling providers/participants.
Dr. Philip Lewis, Graduate Coordinator of the Department, Rehabilitation Counseling and Disability Studies, states that “Our goal is to improve the quality of life for those suffering from the emotional distress of being at risk or diagnosed with varies chronic diseases, and those that acquire disabilities as result. He also believes that being uninformed of the reality of health disparities is a deadly risk, as many illnesses often develop over time, which can be prevented or reverse when detected early”. We will offer tools that will empower those from diverse communities to be informed and ways to manage their own health, and to make better choices regarding their lifestyle that will in turn improve their quality and longevity of their life. Our students look forward to these types of opportunities to serve their community while working to achieve their educational goals.”
For more information, contact Thomas Boxley at (918) 401-0534 by phone or by email at tidcok@gmail.com. Please RSVP your attendance by close of business, Friday February 16, 2018.