By B. L. Eikner
Guest Contributor
The Alpha Xi Sigma Chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc., hosted its January 2018 Operations Big Book Bag Project with Academy Central Elementary School on January 10, 2018. The interim principal of Academy Central is Mrs. Denice Love and the President of Alpha Xi Sigma is Ms. Mary P. Walker. This is the fourth year that Sigma Gamma Rho and Academy Central has partnered with this annual Community Service project. Sigma Gamma Rho has been providing this service for over fifteen years in Tulsa.
Operation Big Book Bag is a Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority International Project that chapters provide selected schools and other facilities across the nation with bookbags, notebooks, writing and drawing paper, pencils, pens, dictionaries, thesauri, rulers, glue, construction paper, textbooks, computers, and many other needed school items. In addition, many chapters have expanded this project to be implemented twice a year because the supplies given in the fall often need replenishing after the New Year holiday.
Under this project, some chapters have decided to do more by tutoring and mentoring young women and men in their communities. Alpha Xi Sigma Chapter supported this project at the State Meeting of Sigma Gamma Rho in Norman Oklahoma in September 2017 with supplies and signed copies of the book, Momma Did You Hear the News? by Sandra Whittaker Gragg. The story of a child who “becomes concerned after seeing another police shooting of an unarmed man. His parents decide it is time to have ‘The Talk.’ They teach him and his brother a catchy chant to help remember what to do if approached by an officer, while also emphasizing that all policemen are not bad. A to the L to the I-V-E…come home ALIVE…. THAT is the key!”
The Operations Big Book Bag Chairperson is Barbara E. Thompson, of Trabar Communications LLC and Anne Shannon, of St. Francis Medical System, is co-chairperson.