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The Oklahoma Eagle Newswire
Come out and celebrate with MLK Tulsa and One Tulsa as we host our 5th annual 4th-grade basketball tournament with free lunch for participants and an anti-bullying forum. We will also have a live DJ along with community vendors, The Walt Whitman Baby Hornets Drill Team, The Lacy Jammers and The Prancing Pearls of Excellence for your MLK Saturday service and fun.
10 am first game begins 2 games in the morning session
12 Noon Anti Bullying Session begins with Lunch
12:15 to 1:15 Community Dance Teams in gym order Walt Whitman Baby Hornets, Lacy Jammers, Prancing Pearls of Excellence
1:30 games resume 2 games with participation awards following…
Event Sponsors: The Oklahoma Eagle Newspaper, Brad Doenges Doenges Auto Group Bartlesville, Nancy McDonald, Senator Kevin Matthews, BTWNAA, City of Tulsa Parks and Recreation.

There are still opportunities for vendors to participate with us…
Please Contact: Fred Jones MLK Tulsa/One Tulsa
Executive Director 9189338742
Facebook: MLK Tulsa or One Tulsa
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