By Emma Kate Fittes, James Briggs and Domenica Bongiovanni, The Indianapolis Star
INDIANAPOLIS — An Indiana University Health nurse who posted a controversial tweet is no longer an employee for the health care system.
“A recently hired IU Health employee tied to troubling posts on social media this weekend is no longer an employee of IU Health,” the health system said in a statement Sunday.
The announcement comes one day after IU Health said its human resources department was investigating a Twitter post linked to an employee named Taiyesha Baker.
More: Tweet says white women raise sons to become ‘rapists,’ ‘killers.’ IU Health investigates
IU Health did not name Baker in its statement, but IU Health spokesman Jason Fechner confirmed Saturday that Baker worked for the health system when the tweet was posted.
The tweet, from an account named Night Nurse said: “Every white woman raises a detriment to society when they raise a son. Someone with the HIGHEST propensity to be a terrorist, rapist, racist, killer, and domestic violence all star. Historically every son you had should be sacrificed to the wolves B—-“
“IU Health is aware of several troubling posts on social media which appear to be from a recently hired IU Health employee,” the Saturday statement said. “Our HR department continues to investigate the situation and the authenticity of the posts. During the investigation, that employee (who does not work at Riley Hospital for Children) will have no access to patient care.”
On Sunday Fechner declined to clarify whether the nurse was fired, resigned or had left before the investigation, citing company policy and employee privacy.
The account, @tai_fieri, was deleted and appears to have been recreated by a different user who posted new tweets Saturday.
According to Indiana public records, Baker was licensed as a registered nurse Oct. 30.
Follow Emma Kate Fittes, James Briggs and Domenica Bongiovanni on Twitter: @IndyEmmaKate, @JamesEBriggs and @DomenicaReports