Open enrollment for the Affordable Care Act (ACA), or Obama Care as many of us have come to know it, is upon us. However, for the first time since its inception it has a different spin. This is the first year that Barack Obama is not in office since the ACA was signed into office in March of 2010. I point this out not simply to make a nostalgic point but also because of the changes that have occurred since our change of administration in the country. From this change, fundamental aspects of the ACA program have also been changed from what many had gotten used to in prior years and if one is not prudent to keep up with these changes, this can cause deleterious effects.
Lack of Promotion
One thing you might have noticed is that those recurrent ads that you became used to on your television, radio and in print have drastically decreased. Advertisements for open enrollment for the ACA has been cut by 90 percent this year. That’s a cut from $100 million previously to $10 million currently allocated. If you’re relying on those advertisements as your reminder, time to find a new strategy, as you won’t be seeing many of those.
Shortened Enrollment Period
The total time period allotted for enrollment has also decreased this year. In prior years, enrollment lasted…