By Fred L. Jones, Jr.
Eagle Staff Writer
Personal Trainer Robert Caddy’s Facebook page states, “At 5 a.m. it is still dark, but the light that comes with life’s belief, desire, ambition and a dislike of a mediocre effort, the light and the attitude of people who refused to be overcome or outworked.”
Training people mentally is half the challenge of getting them to be physically motivated to desire to become a healthier individual. As a man or woman thinketh, so is he or she. Caddy has become an expert motivator at both.
Caddy when asked about self-improvement, fitness and whole health stated, “Many believe it has something to do with not accepting or loving one’s self, and that is the farthest thing from the truth…It is not about I am not good enough, as much as I am good and great enough, it is about the maximization of divine and supernatural potential. The intellectual justification for the acceptance of a mediocre effort in areas that we can grow far beyond is becoming the norm. The problem is fear, the fear of failure, the fear that comes with the possibility of defeat. So we adopt this attitude, that say’s ‘I am how I am’ and that’s not going to change.”
Caddy teaches an applied mentality called the “Science of Better” or “Science of Making Better Decisions About Health.” Despite spending far more on medical care, Americans live shorter lives than the citizens of other high-income countries. The situation has been getting worse for at least three decades.
Healthwise Americans can do better even if we go to smaller portions it would help create healthier lives for us, with the continued stress of everyday life Robert Caddy helps people live healthier, therefore, their thoughts and actions in life’s processes are better.
Caddy stated, “The message to my clients is to put yourself through the fire before the world or any circumstance attempts to refine yourself and your existence so that you are invincible so that nothing we experience will be harder than what we trained for.”
Caddy went on to say, “I am proud of anybody who got up and went to go get it, there are so many things in this world designed to beat on your butt until you can’t get up. That is way beyond any of our imperfections we still have to see the light! That is what better is about, not about perfect, don’t get it twisted, because we are not afraid to shoot for the moon.”.
Robert Caddy is fully vested in changing lives both physically and mentally to contact him about Science of Better training call or text for an assessment and consultation at 918-973-2388 or direct at 918- 851-6985.
Look in on a Robert Caddy Training session follow this link: Better