The Oklahoma Eagle
The hardest working people in America are the people who truly understand what the American Dream is. The less you have the more you believe in the American Dream. Right now those seeking the American Dream are immigrants. Or what some call aliens.
Aliens. That is an interesting word. When one think of aliens they often think of invading extraterrestrials who lack human features or sensibilities. They are not flesh colored, they have large inhuman eyes and skinny odd limbs. Not very flattering descriptions.
Doubtful anyone has ever met a Hispanic who fit that description. But, alien also reminds some they are not dealing with a human being. Not someone called Joe, Joseph or Jose. But, if we think of them as not human they are not equal. Worse than that, they are from some place far from here and they need to go back. As the years go those brought here as children are now called Dreamers. How can an alien be a Dreamer?
The present immigration debate is like a rush to fulfill a strange campaign promise; some say a racist and insensitive campaign promise. But, it’s also strange because it hurts more than it proposes it solves. The country could suffer billion-dollar losses on projects that could go unfinished. From all accounts studied, deportation is not good for business. The cost of deportation will no doubt cost billions.
With current disasters and an expanding war in the Middle East and maybe North Korea, there are few extra dollars for walls that won’t stop people from coming into this country. Making unlawful entry into this country extra illegal, only makes it cruel. In the end, who is going to pick produce for small wages, build roofs, clean up disaster sites, and many other jobs that few want to do because that is for “other people?”
This is odd because the immigration policies set forth by Trump and some Republicans are short-sighted, cruel, don’t create new jobs, and it hurts agriculture effectively raising food prices. As America prepares to shoot itself in the face once more it would be nice to see a policy emerge from the White House that not only doesn’t cost extra money, but it would be nice if it made money. But that would truly be odd.
For reasons passing understanding people on the left can see this daily disaster stumble daily out of the White House. The far right do not see this, never want to see this, and maybe are incapable of understanding or comprehending what is right for the nation.
With that being established, what about moderate Republican leaders and their followers? They don’t like building expensive and inefficient walls because they are racist and impractical. And more importantly, their voters are embarrassed, or angry, at Trump and their leaders; which isn’t good for Republicans interested in running for office again. It is pretty obvious Trump will not be turning out large groups of Hispanics to the polls. The divisive policies will end up losing several states, once thought very Republican, and still others into toss ups.
With clean-up efforts sure to be watched by a nation anxious to see states suffering disaster like conditions for the next couple of years get better; who will work the hardest for the smallest pay? Aliens?
Nobody is cheering the daily mess up by President Trump because it also means the nation is also suffering. And by design it means we individually are going to suffer. And why? Because so called aliens have to go home.
By the way, the cruelest new policy was announced by the administration during both hurricanes. It came at a time the nation needed healing. Trump decided to unleash his meanest policy at a time when the nation needed a healer, not a callous and irresponsible hater of people.
Of course this can be all remedied by developing some humanity and expressing empathy for those still suffering. Don’t hold your breath.
Trump wants to say, “no way Jose” to a group of people ready to clean up the mess created by global warning. El Señor Presidente Trump, will you now welcome Jose? Will he answer your desperate calls to clean up the nation? All I know is that few reading this, want to see America or hard-working Dreamers fail. And that not only makes sense, it will help the nation.