By Fred L. Jones, Jr.
That term “bucking” is a majorette dance style that originated from the Prancing J-Sette dance team of Jackson State University’s Sonic Boom of the South marching band. This dance style has swept the nation and has inspired so many majorette dance teams across the country. With its unique style and choreography that combines a southern style with a lot of attitude and precision it is definitely becoming one in a class of its own. With shows such as “Bring It” which focuses on the Dancing Dolls of Jackson, Mississippi the style has gained much more exposure and acceptance from so many.
Community majorette dance teams are making their mark in the dance world with many wanting to learn how to grasp the concept of this craft. The Prancing Pearls of Excellence have decided to give young ladies an opportunity to be introduced to this this art by hosting their first annual Prancing Pearls of Excellence Precision Dance Camp. The camp will take place at The Harvard Boys and Girls Club July 28th-29th from 9am-6pm. The precision camp is a two-day camp that will consist of the following.
- Learning proper technique and form while executing the southern dance style termed “Bucking”
- Parade Marching
- Field Show Routine performed on August 12th at Prancing Pearls of Excellence Dance Showcase
The camp is for young ladies ages 7-18 who have a desire to sharpen their dance skills and to prepare them for any dance team that they chose to participate with. Registration is $30 which includes a camp t-shirt that is to be worn at the August 12th dance showcase. Please visit their website at www.prancingpearlsofexcellence.com to register your dancer today.
The Prancing Pearls of Excellence are now preparing for The Road to Buck or Die Competition in Orlando, FL hosted by The Dancing Dolls of Jackson, MS Labor Day weekend. Donations are now being accepted through our website www.prancingpearlsofexcellence.com as well. The Prancing Pearls of Excellence strive to make Tulsa proud while being a beacon of light for others.
If you would like to donate Prancing Pearls of Excellence go to www.prancingpearlsofexcellence.com and hit the Pay Pal donation tab or copy and paste this link in your web browser: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?token=iQI0W881-9BFAloIqrwwxRtZtqbwWcO7zcp1zmYhM7tHKbbcrb7k3-tUmTBGzDgWstdCmm&country.x=US&locale.x=