President Trump has cancelled the the 17th annual White House Cinco de Mayo celebration.
Instead of the prominent festivities of recent years, which have been headlined by the President of the United States, the event is being moved to an as yet undetermined location. La Opinión, a Spanish-language news outlet, reports that Vice President Pence will attend the event and Trump will skip it entirely.
The White House has not made an official announcement and has declined to comment on its unprecedented decision to cancel a regular celebration for one of America’s rich minority cultures.
In President Obama’s final year in office, the 500-attendee Cinco de Mayo celebration featured live music by the Mexican band Mana and food from celebrity chef Johnny Hernandez.
That same year, candidate Trump sent out the notoriously condescending tweet below:
Happy #CincoDeMayo! The best taco bowls are made in Trump Tower Grill. I love Hispanics! https://www.facebook.com/DonaldTrump/posts/10157008375200725:0 …
As he continues to find new ways to insult minorities, Trump gets no points for creativity. This disgusting attitude toward those who do not look like him is an embarrassment to the office he holds, and his dismissal of the United States’ diverse heritages is not only unpresidential, it’s unAmerican.