Pastor Anthony L. Scott
We will experience a wide array of transitions during the various stages of life. Some will pass through family and financial crisis. Others will pull up roots and relocate due to an employment crisis. Still others may face the life altering crisis of illness. As we mature, the crisis may be facing life alone, managing a modest income, or the reality of loneliness. No matter the stage of life, faith can prove to be stabilizing and sustaining.
Take a moment to reflect on this question: How does my faith in God adapt to the changing circumstances of life? You and I are going to face transitions and changes throughout life. Some will be stressful. Others may produce a crisis or bring joy. The fact remains, they will come whether we are prepared for them or not.
Many, but not all transitions in life are predictable. Therefore, it is possible to equip ourselves to successfully face challenges throughout the life cycle. Faith can and should make a difference in how we respond to life events. It is also true that life events affect the development of faith. There is a mutual interaction that takes place between faith and life.
The human life cycle is made up of several stages and eras. Within the adult years we can distinguish between early, middle, and later adulthood. Each stage has its own unique challenges. The successful achievement of current challenges increases the likelihood of coping well with tasks later in life. An important component during each stage is to build a stable life structure. For Christians, this stable life structure is rooted in our faith in God. As faith grows, our lives become more stabilized regardless of the events that confront us.
Faith enables us to respond to difficult and seemingly impossible situations with a new source of strength and hope. Faith gives us a fresh perspective on life and a new understanding of who we are and who we are becoming. Faith in God matures with time. So, let faith become the foundational structure of your life. This will provide the stability and structure you so eagerly desire. This does not mean that we will be free from difficulties, but it does guarantee that we are strengthened to face any situation or circumstance. Live Victoriously by Faith!