The Oklahoma Eagle Newswire
Attention students looking for summer jobs: Tulsa Parks has openings for lifeguards, pool managers and day camp counselors. Tulsa Parks will operate four pools for the summer of 2017: Berry, Lacy, Reed and Whiteside. McClure pool is under construction and will not open this season.
Day camps will be held at Hicks, Lacy, Reed and Whiteside parks. An art camp will be held at WaterWorks Art Center, but the counselor positions there are filled.
Tulsa Parks lifeguards have the opportunity to develop core work ethics and professionalism, to enhance their communication skills and learn team building, customer service, leadership, critical thinking, creativity, crisis management and emergency rescue skills.
Lifeguards will receive pre-season training and training that continues throughout the season. The pools will open in early June and close during the second week of August. Lifeguard pay ranges from $8.32 to $8.65 per hour; pool manager pay ranges from $9.45 to $9.92 per hour. The schedule is 40 hours per week, six days per week; or part time positions are available.
Lifeguard applicants need to be at least 16 years old and obtain current certification in Red Cross Lifeguarding, CPR for Pro-Rescuer, and First Aid. YMCA Lifeguarding certification also is accepted. Lifeguards who would like to teach American Red Cross swim lessons need to have Water Safety Instructor certification. To apply, fill out the application online at www.tulsaparks.orgor request an application by calling customer service at (918) 596-PARK, and submit the application to Tulsa Parks, 175 E. 2 nd St. Suite 570, Tulsa OK 74103.
Being a camp counselor can be a demanding summer job, but it also can be one of the most rewarding – an opportunity to influence children’s lives. Day camps offer activities for children ages 6 to 12 including sports, games, arts and crafts, special events, swimming, field trips and more. Counselors will lead and supervise all aspects of the day camp program. Tulsa Parks’ day camps are accredited by the American Camping Association.
Camp counselor orientation is scheduled for May 30 through June 2. Day camps run from June 5 through Aug. 11. Counselor pay is $8 per hour, with a 40-hour work week. Counselors are paid for orientation. Camp counselor applicants need to be high school graduates – one year of college preferred. To apply, fill out the application online at www.tulsaparks.org request an application by calling customer service at (918) 596-PARK.