Oklahoma Eagle Newswire
Mayor G.T. Bynum presented Tulsa Blue certificates to five extraordinary City of Tulsa employees for their outstanding service to our community and their colleagues during a special recognition ceremony at City Hall.
“It’s inspiring to see the spirit of service that radiates throughout every part of our organization. I am proud of the great people here who are committed to going above and beyond to meet the needs of citizens and assist their fellow co-workers whenever the occasion arises. It is my pleasure to recognize Chad Becker, Herman President III, Nathan Webb, Dustin Wright and Bob Edmiston. We greatly appreciate their dedication in serving citizens and our organization on a daily basis,” said Mayor Bynum.
Tulsa Blue is an employee recognition program that honors City of Tulsa employees who go above and beyond the execution of their duties in serving their coworkers and Tulsa citizens. With the addition of these five Tulsa Blue recipients, a total of 50 employees have been recognized with certificates and special awards for serving the City of Tulsa. Blue is the dominant color in the City of Tulsa logo and symbolizes the extraordinary customer service that is demonstrated on a daily basis to Tulsa citizens and City coworkers alike by exemplary City of Tulsa employees.
Tulsa Blue Honorees
Chad Becker is a highly valued employee in the Finance Department and has served the City of Tulsa for the past six years. As the Financial Services Manager, he stepped up and took on some of the Treasury Manager’s duties when his co-worker suffered a stroke last fall. Chad continues filling in for that position while performing his regular duties. He has demonstrated remarkable resilience during this time and always assists other members of his team with a smile on his face.
Herman President III has provided exemplary service to the City of Tulsa for nearly 18 years and serves in the I.T. Department as the Compute Support/LAN Senior Analyst. He is highly valued for his efforts in handling multiple projects and tireless support of key City of Tulsa systems and personnel. He is deeply committed to training IT personnel and TMUA workgroups, as well as transitioning older systems to a new work-order asset management system. He genuinely strives to make the City of Tulsa a better place to work.
Nathan Webb has provided exceptional service to the City of Tulsa for the past six years. He serves in the Water Department as Electrician III where his work ethics far surpass what’s expected of him. He is highly valued for his dedicated efforts in looking for ways to improve and maintain our systems while making them more efficient. He is most thorough while performing his electrical work duties, regularly doing the work of two employees.
Dustin Wright is highly valued for his excellent service to the City of Tulsa for the past 16 years. He serves in the Planning and Development Department as Plans Examiner III and diligently reviews commercial and residential building permit applications. Dustin has taken on the lion’s share of the workload, serving as a team leader to identify challenges and develop solutions. His extensive knowledge and experience with all aspects of planning, zoning, building codes and floodplain management is unparalleled.
Bob Edmiston has diligently served the Legal Department for the past 16-1/2 years and is the Senior Assistant City Attorney. He tirelessly represented the City to assure the Tulsa Club Building, a historic landmark, was maintained in a safe condition. His eight-year efforts dealt with nuisance abatement, remedial civil penalties, three district court cases, downtown improvement district assessments, and two appeals to the Oklahoma Supreme court, to name a few. Bob worked to save the owner from losing his equity in the building, allowing time to accomplish a private sale. The case ended in the sale of the Tulsa Club to a private developer in 2013 for $460,000. Renovations to the Tulsa Club will soon restore it to its former glory and serve as a source of civic pride for Tulsans.
Citizens may nominate a City of Tulsa employee online at the following link: https://www.cityoftulsa.org/government/departments/human-resources/tulsa-blue-employee-recognition-program/nomination-form/ for the next round of Tulsa Blue honorees. Simply fill out the online form, including a brief description of why a City employee should be selected as a Tulsa Blue recipient and submit it.